料位仪的接线方法: 1. 阻旋式:要看清电压等级。内部有六个端子,两根电源线,一根接地线,三根信号线(公共线、L线、H线)。2.电容式料位仪:有四个端子需要接线,两根电源线,两根信号线,其中一根电源线可以和信号线的L线或H线共接一根线的。(上料位接公共线和H线;下料位接公共线和L线)3. 电容式:要看清电压等级,我厂发送罐一般都用24V的。内部共有4个端子,接线图见盖子内侧的说明。端子1为24V电源正,端子2为24V电源负,端子3端子4是一组无源常开点。根据图纸,其中一根电源线可以和端子3或端子4共接一根线。如果无法识别同一个罐上的上下料位,只要观察上面标签贴的型号,一般S1000的罐子,上料位为350MM,下料位为1600MM。4. 液料桶的料位计中浮球式、折角式只要接两根线就可以了,杆式的要接三根线(上料位线、下料位线、公共线)
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Wiring method for level gauge: 1 Resistance rotation type: It is necessary to carefully observe the voltage level. There are six terminals inside, two power lines, one grounding wire, and three signal lines (common line, L line, H line). 2. Capacitive level gauge: There are four terminals that need to be wired, including two power lines and two signal lines. One power line can be connected to the L or H line of the signal line. (The loading position is connected to the public line and H line; the unloading position is connected to the public line and L line) 3 Capacitive: To determine the voltage level, our factory usually uses 24V for sending tanks. There are a total of 4 terminals inside, and the wiring diagram can be found in the instructions on the inside of the cover. Terminal 1 is a positive 24V power supply, terminal 2 is a negative 24V power supply, and terminal 3 and terminal 4 are a set of passive normally open points. According to the drawing, one of the power cords can be connected together with terminal 3 or terminal 4. If it is not possible to identify the loading and unloading positions on the same can, just observe the model labeled on it. Generally, for S1000 cans, the loading position is 350mm and the unloading position is 1600mm. In the level gauge of the liquid material bucket, the float ball type and the angled type only need to be connected with two wires, while the rod type needs to be connected with three wires (upper level line, lower level line, and common line)
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Company Introduction
The company supplies paver accessories, roller accessories, milling machine accessories, paver scraper drive shaft, scraper drive shaft assembly, leveling instrument, leveling instrument bracket, hydraulic pump and accessories. We also supply vulnerable parts for pavers, including balance beams, agitator shafts, pedals, feeding base plates, blades, ironing plates, reducers, chain rails, track plates, support wheels, scraper chains, and feeding chains.
Contact: Manager Liang
Contact information: 13645201509
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